Within the projects STEP Leonardo and BuildStrawPro, the basis for mutual recognition of assessments in straw bale building in various European countries was worked out. The “intellectual outcome” is a “memorandum of understanding” between the partners involved, and – in the context of dissemination – other European organizations, which are active in the qualification area.
Primary beneficiaries of the project are (training) organizations, which are engaged in the qualification for sustainable building practices. Underlying qualification modules have been developed in European projects and are offered in parts or as a coherent “Professional Straw Bale Builder/Fachkraft Strohballenbau/Technicien Professionnel de la Construction Paille/Staviteľ slamených stavieb” as vocational training. The new profession “Straw Bale Builder” offers a possibility for various craftsmen of different trades as an additional qualification, for career-changers the possibility to form start-ups or offer their skills in a sustainable area. Furthermore, the project aims to strengthen formal professional recognition of straw bale builders in Europe.
STEP – Straw Bale Training for European Professionals is now also offered in other countries, starting from Austria (from 2017) (see STEP Training 2021). The programme and above all the learning outcomes of this ECVET training remain the same in all countries. In addition to the theory in 8 modules, there is also a straw and clay building practice of at least 20 days. After completing all modules, trainees can take the written and oral examination to become a “certified straw bale builder”.

BuildStrawPro- & STEP-Partner (Link)
ArTUR (SK), Zuzana Kierulfova, Marián Ontkóc, Barbora Holla, Boris Hochel
ASBN (AT), Herbert Gruber, Peter Fleischhans, Karsten Baesmann, Helmuth Santler
BIWENA (DE), Rasmus Grohe, Dittmar Hecken, Heinz-Michael Fischer
CNCP (FR), Dirk Eberhard, Manas Melliwa
ESBA – European Straw Building Association
Eestimaaehitus (Estonia), Sven Aluste, Mikk Luht
OSBN (PL), Maciej Jagielak, Przemek Vos
RCP (ES), Rikki Nitzkin, Alejandro Lopez
SBN (NL), Herro de Roest, Wouter Klijn
StrawWorks (UK), Barbara Jones, Eileen Sutherland
ESBA – European Straw Building Association (general organisation of STEP training)